Girls Lacrosse 101
Whether you are new to the game of lacrosse or are unsure about what you’re seeing on the lacrosse field, here’s a brief Girls Lacrosse 101 to help you enjoy the game!
What is lacrosse? Lacrosse is a game played with a small, yet hard, rubber ball about the size of a baseball. Players each have a stick, or crosse, which consists of 2 parts: the head and the shaft. The head is strung with a net, and the shaft is of varying lengths based on the age and/or position of the player. Lacrosse is a healthy combo of hockey, soccer and basketball on a field that is size-appropriate based on the age of the players. Players advance the ball by cradling (running while protecting the ball) or passing to teammates until they can get a scoring opportunity and attempt to put the ball in the opponent’s net.
What equipment does my player need? Girls at all levels need a mouth guard, goggles, a stick, and a practice pinnie (available for purchase if you do not have one from a prior season) to play lacrosse. Cleats are not required, but they are highly recommended.
While these items can easily be found at Dick’s Sporting Goods, we recommend a trip to a lacrosse specialty store (Northstar Lacrosse in Bloomington, or Lavin Lacrosse in Rosemount & Chaska) to be fitted by a lacrosse expert who is available to ensure proper fit and answer any and all questions you may have. PLAY Lacrosse also offers rental equipment on a first-come, first-served basis for a nominal fee.
What positions are there? On the girls side there are four positions: goaltender, defensemen, midfielder, and attack. At the 12U and 14U levels there are 12 players on the field at a time, including the goalie. There is 1 goaltender, 4 defensemen, 3 midfielders, and 4 attack. At the 10U level there are 8 players (not position specific) on the field, including goaltender.
What rules do I need to know? There are a lot of rules unique to lacrosse and understanding them will add to the joy of watching the game. US Lacrosse has a page specific to girls lacrosse rules. This link includes a 12-minute video which highlights specific points of emphasis, discusses rules interpretations and provides numerous video clip examples of what is a foul, and what isn’t, as well as how the game is played. You can also find the rulebooks for both high school and youth levels on that page.
What are some terms I’ll hear often? Below is a short list of common terms you may hear during a game:
- Ball down – when the ball is on the grass it is considered “down” and no team is in possession.
- Clear – is any action taken by a player within the goal circle to pass or carry the ball with her crosse out of the goal circle.
- Hot – at the 10U and 12U levels teams need to attempt 3 consecutive passes before they can shoot on goal. The referee keeps track and will announce a team is “hot” when they have satisfied the pass requirements and are able to shoot on goal. There is no pass requirement at the 14U level.
- Mark up – marking up is guarding an opponent within a stick’s length.
- Middie back – at the 12U and 14U levels middies (midfielders) will stay back in the defensive zone if a defenseman advances the ball beyond the restraining line, ensuring at least 4 players are in the defensive half of the field. Middies who stay back will often lift their stick in the air to ensure the referee sees them and doesn’t call “offsides” when the ball crosses the restraining line.
- Restraining line – in full field play is a solid line at each end of the field 30 yards up field from the goal line which extends fully from one side of the field to the other side. The restraining line in cross field play at 10U is at midfield. Failure to have the appropriate number of players on each side results in an "offsides" violation.
- Scoop – when the ball is on the grass, players are encouraged to scoop it up, not “rake” it. Players are taught to get low and scoop through the ball because raking (think pulling back, raking leaves) is a foul.
- Shooting space – defenders cannot obstruct the free space to goal if not marking an opponent or playing the ball carrier within a stick’s length.
- Sphere – is an imaginary area of 7 inches surrounding the head.
- Three seconds in the arc – is when a player while defending in the 8-meter are remains in that area more than 3 seconds without marking an opponent within a stick’s length.
- 8-Meter arc – is the area in front of each goal circle inscribed by two lines drawn at 45-degree angles extending from the intersection of the goal circle and the goal line (extended); connected by an arc marked 8 meters from the goal circle.
- 12-Meter fan – is a semicircle area in front of each goal circle bounded by an arc 12 meters from the goal circles.
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